Monday, March 15, 2010

A Farewell to a King

Over the weekend, I lost a good friend to pancreatic cancer. Diagnosed in September, Peter was told he was at stage four and that the disease was spreading. Despite his pain and unbearable suffering, Peter kept a positive outlook on life, his will to live was an inspiration to all those in his circle. I have now lost three close family/friends to cancer, the death sentence that does not discriminate. Seeing someone as strong as Peter, slowly wither away was difficult, and I spent many nights angry, cursing the sky above, and questioning the reason for such a good person to die in such a horrible manner. Peter, however, would not allow me to feel sorry for him or for his illness, rather, he and I and our friends celebrated each day he was with us, toasting each day with a pint of his favorite Stongbow Cider. I will miss Peter, but at least I was fortunate to have spent three years as his friend, learning so much from his wisdom. Tonight, I think of the lyrics from Afterimage: "Suddenly, you were gone
From all the lives you left your mark upon
I remember how we talked and drank into the misty dawn
I hear the voices"

Lakeside Park, though we did not spend any nights by the pier, there were plenty of drinking at Mahar's and smoking on the porch, listening to the rebel music.

Memories will last forever.

Good night, wherever you are.

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